Early Case Assessment
Gain insights, assess your risk, begin your case-strategy development, identify key documents, and reduce downstream costs with seamless Early Case Assessment.

Faster case assessment
Real-time, search-ready data
Expedite Early Case Assessment with immediate access to a continual sync of real-time, fully indexed, and searchable data from all of your connected applications for quicker insights and decision-making.
Early case assessment for the cloud
Lower review costs
Quickly identify the review set
Identify key data sources and relevant custodians, zero in on specific date ranges, and determine key search terms to unlock the knowledge in your data. This leads to a faster and lower-cost review cycle, and a clear understanding of the issues at hand moving into the review.
Contact us to discuss your ROI
Contextual advantage
Gain an edge in your case strategy
Uncover the true meaning of messages and conversations being assessed (regardless of the originating app) with near-native rendering, which includes:
- Emojis
- Reactions
- Participants (including inactive chat/channel members)
- Attachments and their metadata